When using and/or interpreting the MNR outputs users should particularly take into account the caveats described here




GIS Plot

Copyright & Attribution

Contains JNCC compiled/produced information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. JNCC March 2025.
Contains derived data from Ordnance Survey Crown copyright. 100019741 (2015).
Contains Ordnance Survey data Crown copyright and database right 2012.
Contains United Kingdom Hydrographic Office data Crown copyright 2012.
Contains UK Oil and Gas Licensing Blocks Oil and Gas Authority 2016.
Contains MSFD Sub-region boundary data decided on during MSFD committee meeting 2016.
Contains data collated in the UK Marine Noise Registry to fulfil the UK requirement for monitoring loud, low to mid frequency impulsive noise for UK Marine Strategy.
Contains base map data provided by Carto (https://carto.com/) and OpenStreetMap (https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright).
Not to be used for navigation. Data displayed using WGS84 coordinate system.